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Solid tools for financial reporting

Fast financial reporting

Do you miss getting quick financial reporting and analysis of results? Our online reporting gives you fresh figures on your terms.  

If you just want to determine whether the budget has been achieved, you can quickly check this. However, if you want to investigate further, you can view the receipts that form the basis of the figures by clicking all the way down to the invoice.

Financial reports when you want them

You have full access to your accounts anywhere, anytime. Accounting College's online reporting gives you financial reports you can trust.

Our financial reports give you both the result for the period and the result for the year to date. By entering your budget in our online reporting system, you can also produce ongoing reports that provide an overview of how you are performing against budgeted figures. This applies to projects, departments or the company as a whole.

Receive customized financial reports tailored to your business

Based on the web-based system's export function, we can also tailor the reports that customers want. We prepare key figures such as contribution margin, profit margin, gross profit, credit period to customers and suppliers, EBITDA etc. and liquidity budgets and forecasts.

If you have other reporting needs, we can solve this too.

Our partners on financial reports

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